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Grant Harville

Thank you for visiting my new website. (And thanks to Emily Wolfram for her beautiful work putting it together.) Here you'll find videos and photos, an engagement calendar, and occasional long-winded rants about whatever topics (usually musical) that I've been thinking about lately. If something here inspires you to want to get in touch, please do so through the contact page.



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I'm Having a Kid

Due this fall. My wife and I are excited, though we have an extra challenge typical of musician families: namely, a complicated living...

Right Now

As a white guy from Montana, nobody is looking to me for guidance on racial issues, and for good reason: there are aspects of life in...

Month Two of the #metoperachallenge

It's certainly been true for me: month two really has gone faster than month one. I wasn't expecting to make it through a second month of...

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